

Our Goal

Our goal is to provide all student athletes with quality coaching in bike handling skills and endurance training to allow for successful and safe development in cross-country mountain biking. Student athletes are encouraged to progress in racing, while maintaining a positive, fun and team-oriented environment.

Rider Stories

Read stories from our riders about what riding and racing means to them.

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Inclusive and Accessible

ECHS Racing strives to be an inclusive and accessible team, providing scholarships and loaner bikes to riders in need. In fact, the El Cerrito MTB team has among the highest percentages of scholarship riders in the NorCal League – highlighting our ongoing commitment to ensuring accessibility to all students, as well as the significant need for financial backing. We are fortunate to have a truly great group of sponsors to make this possible.

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You can support ECHS Racing in lots of ways! Big or small, any help is appreciated.